Today our day started at 430 am. That’s when she woke up, screaming for mac and cheese. Slight problem: she can’t eat or drink anything. Bone marrow biopsy is at 745 and she is going under general anesthetic so she cannot have anything in her stomach. Try explaining that to a steroid raging, ravenous for mac and cheese 3 year old.
Since I’m usually such a planner I had it all organized, and even had told the nurse the other day what my plan of attack was for fasting this hunger driven child. For the last three and a half weeks she’s been waking up at 2 am on the dot. Since she had to fast for 6 hours it was perfect. She would wake up at 2:00 am I’d feed her quickly (mac and cheese and/or pizza) give her something to drink and she’s be back to sleep. Hopefully wake up at 6:00 am get dressed keep her distracted and we’d be on our way to hospital.
HA! of course not… she went to bed at 8:00 pm not really wanting anything to eat which was weird but whatever… I put her to bed and I waited until about 11:00pm to go to sleep since she normally wakes up once or twice before then. That didn’t happen. Should have been my first clue right there tonight would be different. So I went to sleep but woke up every 30 min wondering why SHE hadn’t woke up.
I wake up to her screaming bloody murder at 430 am for Mac and Cheese. A lot of inappropriate language came out of my mouth as a sprinted to her bedroom to try and keep her from waking every one of our neighbors up. Showers, shows, movies puzzles, books, games calling and waking up Nana. Each distraction lasted mere minutes. This went on for 2 hours. The car ride to the hospital was real fun since we had no choice but to drive by 3 McDonald's, all of which she noticed and begged for hash browns. Thank goodness for iPhones to distract her.
Note: this picture is not taken with the fat booth app, it is indeed Jaidyn 9 lbs heavier.
Jaidyn Lyric weighing 36.5 lbs (in her face)
We get to hospital, checked in right away, weighed, measured, vitals taken all the while she is asking our amazing nurse Kristy for Mac and Cheese. 8:00 am I take her into procedure room, hold her while anesthetic is put in and on they go with the biopsy.
Finally I can run and get some coffee for Mum and I, and within 15 minutes she is being wheeled back into her room, sleeping soundly. |
Side note:
Above I mentioned how amazing Kristy is, here are my top 3 examples to date.
3. She always has us laughing, as our last conversation revolved around how nurses will all need depends when they’re older as they never have time to take pee breaks.
2. She talks like Roz from Monsters INC.
Mike: Good morning, Roz, my succulent little garden snail. And who will we be scaring today?
Roz: WAZOWSKI! You didn't file your paperwork last night.
Mike: Oh, that darn paperwork! Wouldn't it be easier if it all just blew away?
Roz: Don't let it happen again.
Mike: Yes, well, I'll try to be more careful next time.
Roz: I'm watching you, Wazowski. Always watching. Always.
Jaidyn LOVES it!
And the #1 reason why Kristy is our favorite nurse is because when Jaidyn got back from surgery and started to wake up from her anesthetic Kristy had gone and made her Mac and cheese and it was sitting there cooling off ready for Jaidyn to eat.
The smile on Jaidyns face was priceless.
Jaidyn woke up nicely from her anesthetic, her vitals were good and she was excited to eat. I however, was excited she was sitting up so I could lay on her bed and take a little nap.
She played in the playroom with her Nana for a bit while I talked to Dr. Rod and his nurse April where they went over the difference courses of treatment that would follow based on her results from this biopsy. Dr. Rod as usual was certain this biopsy would bring great news as Jaidyn has already been responding so well to treatment.
Dr Rod popped into the playroom to say a quick “hello and goodbye” to Jaidyn, where her response to his “Hi Jaidyn, how are you feeling today?” was “hey! You got a haircut!!!
I take pride and all credit for her ability to pay attention to detail- Kidding… (kinda)
After a quick walk over to the pharmacy to get her new medicine for the month, we had a photo shoot with one of the many bears that hang out around the hospital and then we went home. Now we wait for the good news. Everyone keep their fingers crossed that Jaidyn has kicked Leukemia’s butt! Oh and also, let’s hope that these steroids wear off sooner rather than later. We NEED some sleep around here.