On August 11, 2011 Jaidyn Lyric was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, She is three years old.
Over the next 2 years Jaidyn will undergo a series of different chemotherapies, lumbar punctures, steroids, and bone marrow biopsies. All of which will cause Jaidyn a tremendous amount of fatigue, unpleasant side effects and become more susceptible to infection.
During the next two years, Jaidyn's immune system will be virtually non-existent. As you can imagine, this means she will be home from school frequently and as a result, Jaime, Jaidyn's mother and her family will miss a tremendous amount of work.
These bracelets are a reminder of Jaidyn and the tough journey she has ahead of her. An account has been set up in Jaidyn’s name in order to alleviate some of the financial burden this diagnosis has placed on Jaidyn and her family.
If you are interested in donating and receiving a bracelet please click the donate link below and be sure to include the size, the amounts you need and your address.
If you are interested in donating and receiving a bracelet please click the donate link below and be sure to include the size, the amounts you need and your address.
Bracelets are a minimum $2 donation and are available in youth, medium and large.
Note: sizes do run quite large.