Wednesday, 17 August 2011

For the love of Firemen

Today was a busy day for Jaidyn at the hospital. Without mentioning any of the medical side, this is how today went.

We started the day of right by heading up to the "big playroom" as she calls it where we are entertained by endless amounts of toys, movies, and crafts. Yesterday was Averi's (my pseudo first daughter's ) birthday and because we weren't able to be there to celebrate (she lives in Toronto) Jaidyn and I decided to paint her a big birthday card. Averi is the little girl I used to take care of when I lived in Portland. Haven't seen her in 3 years and miss her so much!

Jaidyn was really excited about it and wanted to show all her friends in the playroom the card we made.

After eating lunch, Nana came for a visit and shortly after she arrived the Vancouver Fire Dept. came to visit Jaidyn. And when I say came to visit Jaidyn I mean it. The trip was especially for Jaidyn, but we shared it with the few kids that were allowed outside of isolation. 

Jaidyn, unfortunately was having one of her mood swings and wasn't too impressed with the big fire truck and handsome firemen that it came with- so I enjoyed it for her.

After all the excitement Jaidyn's best friend Ben came to visit with Auntie Kimmy. This is the first time they have seen each other since she has been in the hospital, so we weren't really sure how they were going to be towards each other. In the past they have had their fair share of spats mostly due to who's toy is who's, so it was going to be interesting to see how this went. 

The second they got there Jaidyn was excited to share her wheelchair with Ben and they held hands the entire way up to the "big playroom". None of which were they prompted to do. Both Kim and I watched in confusion, yet it also made me so happy seeing them get along so well. 

After the play room Jaidyn showed Ben the outside play area where they raced around in their cars and had a great time.

It was so nice to see Jaidyn so happy to have her friend there and show him all her new surroundings. They held hands everywhere they went. It made for a great day.

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